2021 Membership Rates

Whether you are an established golfer who is looking for a chance to compete against your fellow club members or in inter-club matches, a casual golfer seeking a friendly club or a beginner with a budding love for the game – Fintona Golf Club is a great choice offering competitive rates.

Fintona Golf Club is currently accepting new members. If you wish to join please visit us or call us on 028 82841480.

Type of Membership Membership Subscription 2021 Golf Ireland Levy Total*
Full Gent £460.50 £19.50 £480
Lady Member £260 £23 £283
Family £670.50 £19.50 + £23 £713
Country Gent £270.50 £19.50 £290
Country Family £449 £19.50 + £23 £491.50
Student (over 18) £140.50 £19.50 £160
Country Lady £230 £23 £253
Juvenile Senior
(over 12, 1st year free)
£75 £75
(under 12, 1st year free)
£60 £60
House £50 £50
New Gent Members (introductory offer) £279 £19.50 £298.50
New Lady Members (introductory offer) £185 £23 £208
Senior Gent (75+) £300.50 £19.50 £320
Senior Lady (70+) £190 £23 £213

* 5% on DD Payments